Call me if you have questions or text me, I love doodle talk...
About us.........
Acting Vice President,
Australian Labradoodle Club of America

Do not withhold good from those who deserve it when it's in your power to help them." Proverbs 3:27" (NLT).

Proud to be an American
Hi, and welcome to our site. We are Jim and Tina Overton, living in the beautiful and family friendly, Raleigh, NC. We are not large breeders of the Australian Labradoodles, just a small family breeder; but we do have wonderful little guys who will just make your heart melt. That is the reason we decided to breed. The joy the doodles bring, their intuitive nature, their intelligence, their overall athletic ability and their sweet, gentle, nature make them a family delight.
While I was searching for just the right "canine family member," because my grandkids all have allergies, I came across Swinging Gate Labradoodles. Jenny, at Swinging Gate was amazing, knowledgeable and so responsive. Jenny helped us to select our new family member(s) and once they came home the love affair began. As we talked, we recognized we had a mutual love for the doodle and over time decided to become partners.
CocoaBleu, our handsome little boy and sweet little Willa too, are so engaging. They love to be with their people. You can teach them anything and potty training was a breeze. They are both agile and cuddly and oh so soft. You don't have to spend a lot of time teaching them to look at you because they are always looking at you for direction. They are the most amazing little guys and just the right size; funny as the dickens yet ready to go and always thinking. It's almost as if they were looking right into your soul.
In addition, my husband Jim, a retired DC firefighter and I, a retired law enforcement member, having worked with abused children for many years, was able to see close up and personal how traumatic it was for these children to deal with such an enormous governmental bureaucracy. Australian labradoodles further met my desire to provide an outlet, hence, therapy dogs for kids that would just let you love all over them and without question just love you right back!
By purchasing one of our doodles, a portion of your purchase price will be donated to a Child Advocacy Center of your choice or, to the N.C., Y.M.C.A. The Y.M.C.A. has a wonderful program called Living Strong that is absolutely free for cancer survivors. It is intended to empower adult cancer survivors to improve functional capacity and to increase their quality of life through organized group fitness and strength building. When no choice is identified, a donation will be made to Safe Shores Child Advocacy Center, of the District of Columbia, a wonderful multi-disciplinary institution providing excellence in child abuse investigations.
So, since I had the time and for the love of kids and of course dogs, I decided this was an awesome way to just get and give unconditional love in so many ways.
Furthermore, during the Christmas Season each year, in the Spirit of the greatest gift of all, we will give a pet puppy to a family that can generally afford the ongoing heath care cost but not the initial cost of one of these great little guys. We will receive recommendations from various medical professionals starting in October of each year with the worthy family being selected by the first of December. The information submitted must be factual and verifiable.